Sunday, March 29, 2009

I decided to google...

It's past 10:00 PM. I have a Climatology exam on Friday. I should be studying, but I decided to google. 

I googled my name. Yea I know, pretty lame. I was curious what would come up. In order of appearance: my facebook account, my blogger user profile, an article written by my friend Jill Shatzen, my "Gangs at Walmart" blog post, an online-candle I lit in memory of my best friend Giulia who passed away, and among other things, the list of finalists for the Florida Associated Press Broadcasters contest (link).  

On the second page, I came across a newspaper article written on the day I graduated high school (link). I was the salutatorian/class president of River Ridge High School's class of 2006, so I spoke at the ceremony.  I used audio clips to make my speech more colorful. Two or three minutes into my speech; a disturbance in the back of the auditorium. Too nervous to look up, I continued chugging along.  Turns out someone's grandfather had a heart attack. According to the article, he was able to walk out "with assistance" after the ceremony. I should have known something crazy would happen...welcome to my life. 

I remember somewhere in my speech, I spoke about the unknown journey ahead. Life is so weird. We're all traveling on this road-and along the way we make decisions that change our direction. For example, I was accepted into the University of Florida. So at 17-years-old, I left the security nest at home and moved to Gainesville. Our decisions directly effect our direction, but we can only see so far ahead. We can't predict the approaching obstacles, the people we'll encounter, the decisions we'll face.  I guess what I'm saying is, I've changed. I've grown to know who I am, and be confident in my skin. I know my purpose here on earth, and I owe that to my faith. I'm inspired and enthusiastic for life....

Who knew googling would be so deep :-)

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